Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Good Life Home - Orphanage in UdonThani

Last weekend, we took a much anticipated trip to Udon Thani to work with the Good Life Home. The Good life Home is an orphanage that ministers to several different groups. The first group is the children who live there. All of these children come from broken homes where drug abuse has damaged these families. Most of these children were at one time sold into the sex trade by their parents to pay for drugs. These children are then either taken out of these situations by the staff of the home or placed in the home from police who find the children. The second group that the Good Life Home ministers to is the poor children of the villages around the home. Every Saturday, staff members (there are only 3 staff members) go out into the 2 villages and bring in children to share in games, activities, and English lessons. These children would otherwise be left at home with no or little parental supervision and nothing to do. Most of these children are between 7-12 years of age. The third group is people in the villages who are out of work or need financial help. For these people, the home uses land that it owns to grow rice and raise catfish. These people help in the planting and harvesting of the rice and selling of the catfish in the markets. The money raised helps meet the needs of these people. Though these three ministries, the Good Life Home is shining the light of Jesus to many in the area.
On this trip, we brought 10 people to help at the home. We started on Friday with playing sports with the kids and sharing dinner with them. Saturday was a full day with English lessons, games, sports, and food with all the children. We finished the evening giving gifts that some students from RCC had collected to the children. Both the people from the home and our group were very appreciative of all that God had arranged that day. All in all, it was a great blessing to have this opportunity to reach out and help both the children and staff of the Good Life Home.

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