Hello from Bangkok. If you have been following the news over here in Thailand, you have probably seen that Thailand is warming up for protest season. These protests (no matter what color) seem to be just a way of life here in Thailand. As I think about these protesters, I kind of put them into 3 groups. There are some who have made a career of protesting (both the poor people and the leaders). Still others (especially the leaders) use this as a way to be relevant or to create a lasting legacy for themselves. They try to carve out their place in history through these protests. The third group consists of those who actually believe in whatever is being protested about. These people are totally committed to what they believe in. These people are willing to give their lives to better others through these movements. This got me to start thinking about my place within the body of Christ. Am I one who is about developing a career out of the church? Am I one who is faithful just because God provides for my needs? Or am I one who serves so as to create a name for myself? Am I trying to get my picture on the Christian of the month wall? Or am I one who whole-heartedly believes in what I profess? Does my life show my total commitment to God? Just a few questions to ask yourself.
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