The day started very early this morning at 5:00am because we need to be on the road by 5:30am in order to make to Oklahoma Christian University in time for our speaking engagement at the Vocational Missionary class taught by Professor Bob Carpenter. The drive was very uneventful, praise God. I was able to read the bible and three of my new books (In a Pit with Lion on a Snowy Day, The Feast & Key to Church Planting). One of the messages that God shared with me today was that “if you win the head of family to Christ than you will win the entire family”. I am not sure why this was such an enlighten thought because Paul converted the jailer and in turn won his entire house hold. But for me it was definitely an ah-ha moment.
During our long drive, I really enjoyed all the new technology that we have at our finger tips because it allows me to keep in touch with friends and family from all over the world. I received many messages from people all over, encouraging us on our great Miller Road Trip 2009. Andy also received a phone call and was able to finalize the Church Planting Training that the Mission Resource Network will be doing for Andy and me. I also received several great messages today from three of the summer interns that are coming to Thailand. I always enjoy read messages from people who eagerly seeking God will in their life.
We arrived at Oklahoma Christian and took a tour of the campus and then we went to the Christian Chronicle office to be interviewed by Eric Tryggestad about God’s work that is happening in Thailand. It was a really nice and a great experience because I could honestly feel Eric desire to understand and know the work in Thailand. Next it was time for our speaking engagement with Bob’s vocational missionary class. Another amazing experience because we were able to speak to a group of college students who desire is to become missionaries. From the class we had four young people interested in coming to Thailand. Praise God!!
After that one of the engineering professors, David Cassel, opened up his home for us to stay with him and his lovely family. We enjoyed a great home cooked meal and yummy vegetable from their garden along with fantastic conversation about mission work, football and our favorite TV shows. It was another time that I see how amazing God’s family truly is, because no matter where we travel or where we go God’s family is always there opening their homes and lives to us! God family is completely amazing.
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