Our second day at Oklahoma Christian University was filled with great blessings. It started off with the smell of delicious home cook breakfast and a surprise gift of Dr. Pepper & Lucky Charms. The gift was a complete surprise and made all of us feel extra special, because over dinner the night before we told the Cassel family that we cannot get Dr. Pepper and Lucky Charms is extremely expensive in Thailand. So this gift was extra special to us.
Andy was the guest speaker at the Bible Chapel at Oklahoma Christian University. The message that he shared was from Mark 12:30-31, “30Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.' 31The second is this: 'Love your neighbor as yourself.' There is no commandment greater than these." Andy shared the idea that the greatest testimonies we have to share others about God are our love towards him and our love towards others. These two principles have been the motivating factors in our ministry in Thailand and will continue to be the driving forces behind what we do.
After Andy shared in Chapel one of the professor spoke with Andy about the Helpers in Missions (HIM) program at OC and Memorial Road church of Christ. This program is answer to prayers because we desperately need additional missionaries in Thailand. I love when God shows his majesty and providential care for His Children.
The next stop is Albuquerque, New Mexico, then an overnight in Big Spring, Texas. Then we will be at Harding University to meet with Asian focus group, lunch with mission professors, and lunch with some friends from New Mexico!
Kathryn & Andy
Kathryn & Andy
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