Tuesday, January 20, 2009

A Brighter Future

One of the things that I have learned from living in Thailand is the aspect that as Americans we take our education for granted! During the Christmas break I meet a young man who woud like to go to college but his family situation does not allow for such a privilege. Being somewhat naive, I wanted to do know why! Is it a financial problem? Is it a lack of understanding about college degree? Is it a family problems? I soon learned it was all three reasons! A good friend of mine that is Thai and I thought that surely there is someway we could help this young man go to college. So we started down the path to see if we could help resolve the obstacles standing in his way. We have now removed two of the three obstacles. Now the only one that is left is the financial support. Being naive again, I was thinking that it would cost the same as American colleges BUT it is so much cheaper!!! I mean it is unbelievable how inexpensive it is! It cost only $1,000 a year and that includes everything: books, tuition, rent, food, fees, transportation, and supplies! YES only $1,000 a year!!! I need your help!!! I would love to resolve this last obstacle in this young man way to go to college. If you can help, please let me know!!! What a great opportunity we have to change the life of a young man!!!!

Thanks and God Bless,

Kathryn Miller

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