This is a wonderful lesson for us today. As I read the news from around the world, I read about political instability and uncertainty, and economic disasters. 401K’s are dropping. Jobs are being lost. Businesses are closing. Governments are falling. Even though all of this is happening, it’s good to know that God is still in control and he will provide for his children. In Matthew 6, Jesus tells us not to worry about tomorrow. A dear friend of mine used to tell us, “Don’t worry about tomorrow, because God is already there.” We all want a better future, for ourselves, for our children, for our countries. But Jesus tells us in Matthew 6 not to store up treasures on this earth where things are temporary. Instead store up treasures in heaven where our true future lies.
This morning I sit at my computer and watch as protesters march to overthrow the current Thai government. I am reminded of Romans 13. Paul writes, “1Everyone must submit himself to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except that which God has established. The authorities that exist have been established by God. 2Consequently, he who rebels against the authority is rebelling against what God has instituted, and those who do so will bring judgment on themselves.” Good or bad, kind or harsh, whether people focused or self-focused all rulers are put there by God. Even if there policies are against what God teaches, God has placed them in power. Even if we prayed or didn’t pray for God’s will to be done in an election or coup or whatever, God has placed those people where they are. Here’s the kicker. They are doing his will whether they know it or not. With this in mind, our focus should be not on the happening of this earth. What do we have to fear from man, loss of money, loss of comfort, loss of freedom, loss of life? It doesn’t matter because if God is for us, WHO could possibly stand against us. Nothing will separate us from the love of God through Jesus Christ!!
GOS IS GOD NO MATTER WHERE WE ARE!!! So, live like it.
Andy Miller
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