The more I learn about Jesus, the more I understand that this journey of faith is just that a journey. The moment we decided to follow Christ was just the first step on this journey. As our faith grows the more we realize the incredible compassion and love Jesus had for everybody. Therefore, as a follower of Christ, we also must have this same compassion and love for everybody. During one of our stops on our road trip across America, I heard a preacher say, “IF you have been called then….” This statement struck me a little strange because I believe that Jesus has “called” all of us. In Matthew 28:18-20, Luke 8:1-3, James 1:27, and Mark 12:29-31, are just a few of the other callings God has given all of us. In these passage God call his follower to good works, making disciples of all the nations, hospitality to God’s family, servant hood to the marginalize, and loving everybody. So if we want to be more like Jesus and listen to the calling of God then we should be actively doing these things.
In a recent bible study I was in, the leader of the bible study said that the Satan has won a great victory against God’s people because he has made Christianity a noun instead of a verb. This simple statement is very true! I have witness this first hand on my journey. As I travel the more I realize that there are many Christians who are actively changing the world in which they live. They have heard the called and answered it. During my own personal journey of faith with Christ I have realized that God has called all of us to be the Verb from of Christianity.
There are many ways to take the next step in this faith journey and become that Verb from of Christianity. Over the next couple of weeks we will explore some of those possibilities.
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